Monday, October 29, 2012


Shocker, I know. But for real, I haven't posted on here in over two months. I do have a good reason, I promise. The last blog I posted was actually the day that I moved out of the Jameses house and moved in with my mom. What was supposed to be a week stay turned into a month and a half but I'm finally out! The first of this month I moved into a condo with a friend and we are finally setting up house! It's not nearly where I want it to be, but it's getting there. But through all of that I've definitely been learning some lessons and walking in some new understanding.

I had a period of time when i really wasn't getting into the Word like I should. Worship became more awkward and I just wasn't hearing the voice of the Lord. Part of the reason is that my quiet times in the morning are when I like to get into the Word, and for a while I was never by myself in the morning. So I let that slip instead of communing with God throughout the day and getting into the Word on my lunch break. But that's what happened. And then when I finally was alone again in the mornings, it was awkward trying to get back into the Word because I had let my close relationship with the Lord slip for a few weeks. So getting back into the routine was difficult. But there was one thing that God showed me clearly: good deeds do not equal relationship. He also showed me that obedience is just as much a part of worship as singing is, if not more so. If I am obedient to what Jesus is telling me I will learn and desire to grow closer to Him. And I am learning to love to obey! Yes, sometimes it's hard at first. But the reward of His presence is SO worth the sacrifice.

I have many other things which I have learned but don't have time to share. But just know that I am loving learning to love Jesus even more than I have before.

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