Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The most awkward book of the Bible? Awesome. Let's go.

I love Song of Solomon! I know, it's weird. It's the most awkward book of the Bible.

Take a moment and consider whether or not precious moments included it in their translation ...

And on that note, here's why I love it: it's a love song. A love song to ME. And to YOU. (Yes, even you males out there.) 

I was created for romance. I love Pride and Prejudice. I love when Mr. Darcy lays down his pride and confesses to Miss Elizabeth that he is in love with her. That makes my heart melt into a puddle. But tha'ts nothing compared to the love that my Savior has for me.

Song of Solomon used to really freak me out, let's be real here. I had to grow to learn to love it. But there was one line that I wanted to love and yet didn't totally get. SoS 4:9 says "You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. " I didn't get this. I wanted to believe that God could really love me even if I only glance at Him, but what makes me think that I can just glance up and He'll love me? Obviously (in my human understanding) I needed to perform correctly, and say everything perfectly, and as long as my life was tracking, then He would probably love me when I looked at Him. Not guaranteed, but you know. I'd have a fair shot.

And then I met this little human named Josiah. And I fell head-over-heels in love. He was born around 1:00am. And I waited with his family until he was born. And I couldn't leave. I had to hold that child. Every time I see him I just want to gobble him up. And the thing is, he doesn't always want to see me. He doesn't always want to be chased by me. But when he turns around and looks at me, I'm really glad he has no concept of money. Because in that moment when he looks and calls me by the totally wrong name, I'd give him all I have. I love that child. The love that our Heavenly Father has? It's SO much more amplified. Josiah isn't my child. We're not even related. So how much more does the Father love me than I love Josiah? 

I'll challenge you: ask Jesus what He thinks of you. His love will blow your face away. Let Him chase you, and turn around and chase Him back. This huge God, who is far beyond comprehension, has promised to let Himself be found when we seek Him. And in the morning, just take time to love Him. He doesn't need big words. He doesn't need eloquent prayers. Just turning your gaze upon Him captivates His heart. Turn your full time and attention on Him. I promise you will NEVER regret it.