Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life lessons from a flute?

I love Jesus. A lot.

I have been noticing His grace so much in my life recently, which has come through my blogs somewhat.

I just wanted to say that He's awesome. For real.

This was going to be a post rambling about my frustration, but it has quickly turned into a great lesson for me. I'm learning as I write, so read this lesson as I'm learning it:

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Desire to Read

Last night I realized that I rarely ever read my Bible. I've gotten into the habit of just talking to God and praying and maybe reading a Christian book and thinking that it's enough. But last night I wanted more. I wanted to read my Bible to grow closer to God, not to fill some chore that I have to do every day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Trusting God

So recently, as some of you know, I have been kind of uncertain about the future. I constantly think about where my life is headed after I graduate and slightly panic about the answer. I "know" that I'm headed back to Augusta for grad school (that is, if I get accepted into ASU) but sometimes I worry that this isn't where I'm supposed to be. Yet this is the decision that God has given me peace about, so most of the time I'm ok with that. But other times I look at my life and wonder how I got here.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

God the Providor

So I've really been learning about the greatness of God and how He LOVES to provide for His children. Recently I was at a mission conference and I heard a pastor speak on Philippians 4:19  - "But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." This verse totally rocked me when I realized what it meant. We do not have to worry about where our food or shelter will come from, because God will supply according to HIS riches! God owns EVERYTHING so He has a limitless supply!! It doesn't matter how hard of a time or how big the need, God can supply.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hopefully the first of many

So I really like to write. Probably because I like to read, and I sometimes have this ridiculous dream of being Jane Austen (who happens to be one of my favorite authors). But I really like to write, just not by hand. I have a total of 5 journals, only 1 of which I have actually completed. The 5th I am trying to complete, but I've been writing in it for almost a year. All of that to say, I'm horrible at keeping a journal. But not at blogging (hopefully ...)

So ... yeah. I'm writing this when I should be in class, but it got cancelled (YAY!!) I like when class is cancelled, even though I'm paying for it. Whatever ... I really just would like to be done with school now, even though I have a year and a half left. But while I'm here, I'm enjoying it!

Ok really, if you read that you rock because none of that was actually important. I really do just like to write. Even if I'm the only one who reads it. =)