Sunday, June 24, 2012

Speak up!

I have been thinking a lot over the past few days about how I've gotten to the place I am and why I am here. I have moved through seasons of discouragement, heartache, and, quite frankly, bad decisions. And so I was thinking about how I got the courage to move past those things and take a stand for what is right and true, and how I've overcome so many obstacles. My first and main point of strength has been from Jesus, who has never left me. And after Him there are so many others. I would like to say that it was those who only ever told me how awesome I was, but let's be real. I haven't always been awesome. (I know, your mind is blown.) The people who really have made an impact are those who have been willing to be real with me and not pull punches.

I remember when I was first back from college and discouraged because I couldn't find a job. I was in a unique place where I was either overqualified or not qualified enough for seemingly every job out there. So one Sunday I went to the prayer leaders during the altar call and asked them to pray with me that I would find a job. I told them that I had been looking for a good job for several months, and was astounded by what I heard. One of the prayer leaders looked at me and said "God is telling me to tell you that a few months is not a long time." I could not believe my ears. I was so offended. I wanted them to tell me that they had prayed and God said that a job was coming that week. Who WERE they?!

I got a good full-time job one year and ten months after I graduated with my degree. THAT is a long time. I am thankful that those prayer leaders were willing to look at me in love and tell me the truth, rather than sugar-coating what God was speaking. I have so many more situations like that where those close to me were willing to look me in the eyes and tell me what I didn't want to hear. As much as positive feedback feels good, I will be forever grateful to those who have been like iron sharpening iron, spurring me on toward the goal.

DO NOT hold back when you feel the Lord truly telling you to challenge another believer. Even though it may not be fun at the time, chances are that they need that encouragement to move out of the state they're in and into a new season.

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